Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Murat – French general, King of Naples

Murat. That’s a strange word. Muuuuuraaat. Must be some kind of rock. Yeah, that’s it. A rock! A rock that looks like a cow. A rock that was once a cow. I see how it is now. Long ago, the fairies of the land were playing in a field. In the midst of their dancing and singing, a cow wondered in and ruined it all. In their anger, the fairies began to scream (though to the cow it sounded more like a little buzzing noise) at the cow and ordered it to go away. But since the cow couldn’t hear what they were saying, it just stood there and didn’t move as it chewed over and over again. The chief fairy came up to the group and asked what was going on. When he heard what was the matter, he flew up to the rude cow and asked him if he would please leave their playground. The cow only shook his head to get rid of the buzzing sound in his ear. The chief thought the shake of the head was the cow saying no. He got really angry and turned a bright red. He turned away and told everyone to move back. He raised his hand that had this sparkly wand in it and waved it at the cow. “Because of you being rude and not letting us fairies play in the field, you will become a rock that will never leave.” Poof!!!! Smoke came from the wand and the cow disappeared. On the ground where it had stood was a rock that was large and was black and white all over. It is still there in the playground of the fairies and is used as a high diving board after every rain.

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Welcome to Davy's Imaginary Dictionary

Davy is imaginary figure who like to create his own little worlds. To explain these worlds, he takes words that he sees but does not know the meaning of and creates his own definition.

This is Little Davy's Imaginary Dictionary.