Friday, January 8, 2010


Owning something belonging to humans

Fairy hunters are fairies looking for interesting stuff they could steal. If a hunter comes back with a human made item they sell it. The costs range from 5 to 6 butterfly wings. When a fairy buys it they call it pre-possessing something. It’s special to pre-possess an object. It brings good luck, too.
Sometimes a human finds what a fairy is pre-possessing. Doing this causes a human to be shocked. Really, it’s the fairy biting him.
Only fairies can pre-possess. Once a human has their item back, it’s what a fairy calls annoying. You’ll never know if a fair has pre-possessed an item of yours unless you’ve been “shocked”. Even then, you can’t be sure. Fairies don’t steal, they find. So if you’ve lost something, you lost it, don’t blame the fairies.

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Welcome to Davy's Imaginary Dictionary

Davy is imaginary figure who like to create his own little worlds. To explain these worlds, he takes words that he sees but does not know the meaning of and creates his own definition.

This is Little Davy's Imaginary Dictionary.